Copper Development Association Streamlines Web Site

January 19, 2004


All Copper Building Applications Now Under One Banner at

LAS VEGAS -The Copper Development Association Inc. (CDA) has streamlined its popular Web site, making it easier for builders, homebuyers and homeowners to find information online about the benefits of copper residential building products. The CDA exhibit at the International Builders Show is located in North Hall Booth #2829.

"The Web site has become one of our primary communication tools with builders," says Ken Geremia, manager of communications for CDA. "These changes will only help to make it more user-friendly. It's impossible for us to speak directly with every builder or homeowner who wants more information on copper, but our Web site is always 'on' and our Internet 'door' is always open for inquiries. These improvements can direct builders and their customers more quickly and efficiently to the answers they need."

Building construction accounts for almost half of all copper use. According to CDA, the average single-family home contains more than 440 pounds of copper. Copper is utilized by the nation's homebuilders for almost every home function, from water and gas plumbing systems to electrical and telecommunications wiring to solid brass hardware and architectural applications such as roofing, flashing and décor.

Builders will find information on all of these copper products under the Web site's new "Applications" menu. For example, the "Electrical Applications" home page includes sections on building wire, power quality and energy efficiency, while the Plumbing Tube, Pipes and Fittings home page includes articles on fire sprinkler systems and radiant floor heating. The "Copper in Architecture" educational programs are also popular with contractors. Clicking on the Architecture link provides a list of them and descriptions. The programs include tutorials on installing copper roofs and highlight innovative construction projects involving copper.

Builders can also refer homebuyers to a special "Copper In Your Home" section of the Web site. It contains helpful information on a variety of topics such as "Protecting Your Home from Power Surges" and "When to Call an Electrician," as well as "Why Choose Copper?" - a look at the benefits of copper plumbing tube when compared with other materials.
