Seminars, Workshops & Training

The Ultimate Source for Speakers on Copper and Its Many Useful and Efficient Applications

Whether your organization is looking to engage a speaker for an annual meeting, conference, workshop or seminar, or is hosting an educational session, our topics can easily be customized to meet your needs.

Some CDA sessions also offer Learning Units (LUs) through the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), enabling attendees to pursue their professional continuing education credits. No matter what the goal, CDA will tailor the content to the occasion.

The majority of sessions are at no cost to your organization and are suitable for various sized groups.

Benefits to Your Organization

In today's "green" building environment, designers, engineers, and contractors are all looking for information on how materials and systems choices affect the sustainability of their next construction projects. The sessions offered by the Copper Development Association's Speakers Bureau will educate your staff in the proper design, use and application of copper systems to improve efficiency, functionality, reliability and durability. Your staff will gain useful knowledge, tools and resources to enhance your operations and save money.

Seminar Listing

Also available in PDF [7.5 Mb].

Browse by category of interest.

  • Architecture

  • Electrical

  • Piping

  • Sustainable Energy


Elevating Design With Copper

architecture copper

In this one-hour course, you will learn about the amazing qualities of copper and its inherent sustainability in the built environment. The properties and characteristics of copper and copper alloy offer versatility, sustainability, and unlimited design potential. Examples of good design practice will be evaluated along with an assessment of project solutions and improvements. In addition, current award-winning projects will be reviewed to inspire the creativity of design professionals. The presentation will conclude with a question and answer session.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine the inherent properties of copper that make it an efficient building material and how design professionals can incorporate these characteristics into high performing buildings and infrastructure
  • Assess recent construction projects utilizing copper and copper alloys in roofing, wall cladding, and ornamental systems
  • Define copper, identify common copper alloy families, and interpret how copper is 100% recyclable
  • Discuss the functional contributions of copper and copper alloys as part of a sustainable building design.

Format: 1.0 hour seminar with box lunch

AIA Continuing Education Continuing Education: 1LU, 1 HSW Hour. Course number 18CDA110.