July 2, 1998
SAN FRANSISCO - The Copper Development Association pledged today to assist California's Department of Housing and Community Development in correcting its seriously flawed draft Environmental Impact Report on the use of CPVC plastic pipe in residential plumbing systems. CDA President Robert M. Payne said, "It's important for HCD and the people of California to know all the facts about copper and why it's the nation's plumbing standard."
Payne said the draft report, released June 30, is flawed and heavily biased. "Based upon the incomplete and misleading information it contains, we feel obligated to set the record straight, particularly about its allegations concerning San Francisco Bay. A team of nationally recognized scientists led by CDA's vice president for environment and health, Dr. Dale T. Peters, and Dr. Scott Baker of the International Copper Association will provide detailed, substantive comments on the draft EIR within the prescribed 60 days," Payne promised.
"It's unfortunate the copper industry was not asked to participate in the EIR process until near the end when the report was essentially complete," Payne said, "and then, only to provide basic published information. There was never an opportunity to explore nor analyze the complex and critical issues facing the State of California. "Nonetheless, we hope the HCD staff will now allow us to work as closely with them as the B.F.Goodrich Company did in preparation of the EIR. By doing so, the legitimate environmental concerns of Californians can be fully addressed, and any recommended revisions to the California Building Standards can be dealt with intelligently. "A state-funded EIR is not the place for unwarranted scare tactics nor the bashing of products which have served Californians well for generations," Payne said. "And now is not the time for California to abandon its record of leadership in environmental issues. It should insist upon the continuation of its dedication to objectivity, balance and thoroughness in the best interests of all its citizens."