Critical Listeners Crave Copper Cable
Would you pay $900 per foot for speaker cable to ensure a completely neutral effect on the sound from your stereo? "Yes" is the answer, if you're one of the rare breed willing to spend $50,000 to $100,000 or more for the ultimate in a home entertainment center. - Copper Protects Motors Chemical Surprise Improves Lubricants
- Copper Helps Heal Wounds
- Copper Has Key Role in Healthy Hearts
- Protecting Bronze Against Pollutants
Copper Screens Repel Clogging Mussels
Copper repels zebra mussels, a regional aggravation fast becoming a national menace. The incredibly fertile, thumbnail-size mollusks plug up pipes that conduct water to towns, factories and steam turbines. - Copper Alloys Tools Prevent Dangerous Explosions
- Engine Renewal System Relies on Brass Fittings
- Copper Blocks RFI Both Ways