Table 14.2f. Dimensons and Physical Characteristics of Copper Tube: Medical Gas, K and L

Nominal or standard size,
Nominal dimensions, inchesCalculated values (based on nominal dimensions)
Outside diameterInside diameterWall thicknessCross sectional area of bore,
sq. inches
Internal surface,
sq. ft. per linear ft.
Weight of tube only,
pounds per linear ft.
Volume of tube,
cu. ft. per linear ft.
14K .375 .305 .035 .073 .0789 .145 .00051
L .375 .315 .030 .078 .0825 .126 .00054
38K .500 .402 .049 .127 .105 .269 .00088
L .500 .430 .035 .145 .113 .198 .00101
12K .625 .527 .049 .218 .130 .344 .00151
L .625 .545 .040 .233 .143 .285 .00162
58K .750 .652 .049 .334 .171 .418 .00232
L .750 .666 .042 .348 .174 .362 .00242
34K .875 .745 .065 .436 .195 .641 .00303
L .875 .785 .045 .484 .206 .455 .00336
1K 1.125 .995 .065 .778 .261 .839 .00540
L 1.125 1.025 .050 .825 .268 .655 .00573
114K 1.375 1.245 .065 1.222 .326 1.04 .00845
L 1.375 1.265 .055 1.26 .331 .884 .00873
112K 1.625 1.481 .072 1.72 .388 1.36 .0120
L 1.625 1.505 .060 1.78 .394 1.14 .0124
2K 2.125 1.959 .083 3.01 .522 2.06 .0209
L 2.125 1.985 .070 3.09 .520 1.75 .0215
212K 2.625 2.435 .095 4.66 .638 2.93 .0323
L 2.625 2.465 .080 4.77 .645 2.48 .0331
3K 3.125 2.907 .109 6.64 .761 4.00 .0461
L 3.125 2.945 .090 6.81 .761 3.33 .0473
312K 3.625 3.385 .120 9.00 .886 5.12 .0625
L 3.625 3.425 .100 9.21 .897 4.29 .0640
4K 4.125 3.857 .134 11.7 1.01 6.51 .0811
L 4.125 3.905 .110 12.0 1.02 5.38 .0832
5K 5.125 4.805 .160 18.1 1.26 9.67 .126
L 5.125 4.875 .125 18.7 1.28 7.61 .130
6K 6.125 5.741 .192 25.9 1.50 13.9 .180
L 6.125 5.854 .140 26.8 1.53 10.2 .186
8K 8.125 7.583 .271 45.2 1.99 25.9 .314
L 8.125 7.725 .200 46.9 2.02 19.3 .325