Table 14.10. Solder Requirements for Solder Joint Pressure Fittings, length in inches*

Nominal or standard size, inchesO.D. of tube, inchesCup depth of fitting, inchesJoint clearance, inchesWt. in lbs. at .010 clearance per 100 joints***
14 .375 .310 .030 .060 .089 .119 .149 .179 .208 .238 .268 .298 .097
38 .500 .380 .049 .097 .146 .195 .243 .292 .341 .389 .438 .486 .159
12 .625 .500 .080 .160 .240 .320 .400 .480 .560 .640 .720 .800 .261
58 .750 .620 .119 .238 .357 .476 .595 .714 .833 .952 1.072 1.191 .389
34 .875 .750 .168 .336 .504 .672 .840 1.008 1.176 1.344 1.512 1.680 .548
1 1.125 .910 .262 .524 .786 1.048 1.311 1.573 1.835 2.097 2.359 2.621 .856
114 1.375 .970 .341 .683 1.024 1.366 1.707 2.049 2.390 2.732 3.073 3.415 1.115
112 1.625 1.090 .454 .907 1.361 1.814 2.268 2.721 3.175 3.628 4.082 4.535 1.480
2 2.125 1.340 .729 1.458 2.187 2.916 3.645 4.374 5.103 5.833 6.562 7.291 2.380
212 2.625 1.470 .988 1.976 2.964 3.952 4.940 5.928 6.916 7.904 8.892 9.880 3.225
3 3.125 1.660 1.328 2.656 3.985 5.313 6.641 7.969 9.297 10.626 11.954 13.282 4.335
312 3.625 1.910 1.773 3.546 5.318 7.091 8.864 10.637 12.409 14.182 15.955 17.728 5.786
4 4.125 2.160 2.281 4.563 6.844 9.125 11.407 13.688 15.969 18.250 20.532 22.813 7.446
5 5.125 2.660 3.490 6.981 10.471 13.962 17.452 20.943 24.433 27.924 31.414 34.905 11.392
6 6.125 3.090 4.846 9.692 14.538 19.383 24.229 29.075 33.921 38.767 43.613 48.459 15.815
8 8.125 3.970 8.259 16.518 24.777 33.035 41.294 49.553 57.812 66.071 74.330 82.589 26.955
10 10.125 4.000 10.370 20.739 31.109 41.478 51.848 62.218 72.587 82.957 93.326 103.696 33.845
12 12.125 4.500 13.970 27.940 41.910 55.881 69.851 83.821 97.791 111.761 125.731 139.701 45.596

* Using 18-inch diameter (No. 9) Wire Solder (1 inch length=.01227 cubic inches).
** Actual consumption depends on workmanship.
*** Includes an allowance of 100% to cover wastage and loss.

Flux requirements are usually 2 oz. per lb of solder.